Candy by Flavor | Sweet Services
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Candy by Flavor

Everyone has a favorite flavor of candy. With Sweet Services around, you don't have to worry about buying a variety mix to get your favorite candy flavor. We sort our candy by flavor so you can find the perfect one to satisfy your sweet craving easily.

Benefits of Buying Candy by Flavor

Buying a bag of assorted candy is good for catering to a variety of tastes. but sometimes, you're in the mood for a specific flavor of candy to satisfy a craving. By sorting candy by flavor, we make it easy to find lemon-flavored treats that help with sour cravings. If you're in the mood for something sweet, browse our selection of chocolate candy. Cinnamon treats are great for people who like spicy candy, and cotton candy is ideal for anyone who prefers super-sweet treats.

Within each four flavor categories, we have many types of candies so you can find what you're looking for whether you prefer hard or soft treats. We even sell lollipops in flavor bundles.

Types of Candy Flavors We Carry

There are numerous flavors of candy, and we want to make it easy for you to find your favorite without having to buy a variety of sweet treats. Some of our most popular flavors include:

Find Your Favorite Flavor Today!

With so many flavors of candy, you're sure to have a favorite. Buy the candy flavor that will satisfy your craving by shopping for our treats assorted by flavor.

Banana Candy

Banana Candy

15 products

Blue Raspberry Candy

Blue Raspberry Candy

47 products

Butterscotch Candy

Butterscotch Candy

12 products

Caramel Candy

Caramel Candy

35 products

Cherry Candy

Cherry Candy

58 products

Cinnamon Candy

Cinnamon Candy

31 products

Coconut Candy

Coconut Candy

17 products

Coffee Candy

Coffee Candy

6 products

Cotton Candy

Cotton Candy

14 products

Fruit Punch Candy

Fruit Punch Candy

3 products

Grape Candy

Grape Candy

27 products

Green Apple Candy

Green Apple Candy

33 products

Lemon Candy

Lemon Candy

23 products

Licorice Candy

Licorice Candy

29 products

Lime Candy

Lime Candy

4 products

Marshmallow Candy

Marshmallow Candy

3 products

Orange Candy

Orange Candy

19 products

Peach Candy

Peach Candy

7 products

Peanut Butter Candy

Peanut Butter Candy

31 products

Peppermint Candy

Peppermint Candy

47 products

Pineapple Candy

Pineapple Candy

4 products

Rootbeer Candy

Rootbeer Candy

10 products

Spearmint Candy

Spearmint Candy

7 products

Strawberry Candy

Strawberry Candy

65 products

Vanilla Candy

Vanilla Candy

8 products

Watermelon Candy

Watermelon Candy

31 products