Sweetservices.com Online Bulk Candy Store

Sweetservices.com Online Bulk Candy Store

19027 S Jodi Rd Unit C, Mokena , Illinois, 60448, United States

  mark@sweetservices.com     1-800-322-6391     1-815-464-7767     1-815-464-7088

  Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4 PM

Hard Candy Mix


Weight 5.00 lbs
Manufacturer Primrose Candy
Our Price: $12.95


A great candy assortment of favorites that may include assorted Fruit Flavored Disks, assorted Pinwheels, Butterscotch Disks, Cinnamon Disks, Root Beer Barrels, toffee chews and other assorted candy. Approx. 70 pieces per pound. This item is packaged in bulk.