Sweetservices.com Online Bulk Candy Store

Sweetservices.com Online Bulk Candy Store

19027 S Jodi Rd Unit C, Mokena , Illinois, 60448, United States

  mark@sweetservices.com     1-800-322-6391     1-815-464-7767     1-815-464-7088

  Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4 PM

Palmer Double Crisp Eggs


Weight 5.00 lbs
SKU PA37/2.5
Manufacturer Palmer Chocolate
Our Price: $20.95


Foil-wrapped Double Crisp Eggs!These Double Crisp® Eggs are an Easter basket milk chocolaty crunch favorite.
Blue, pink, purple and yellow pastel foil wrapped chocolate eggs with ducks and bunnies on each wrapper.
Approximately 94 pieces per pound.