Sweetservices.com Online Bulk Candy Store

Sweetservices.com Online Bulk Candy Store

19027 S Jodi Rd Unit C, Mokena , Illinois, 60448, United States

  mark@sweetservices.com     1-800-322-6391     1-815-464-7767     1-815-464-7088

  Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4 PM

Now and Later Cherry ~ 24 Count


Weight 2.00 lbs
SKU NL8481-1
Manufacturer Now and Later Candy
Our Price: $12.95


Now and Later Cherry originally introduced in 1962 by Phoenix Candy Company, Now and Later are still popular. Initially tough to chew when placed in the mouth, eventually soften and resemble taffy or a similar version of a starburst. 24 bars.
Each bar contains 6 pieces.