Mike and Ike Candy

Mike and Ike Candy
The trailers are over, your blockbuster hit is about to begin, and you've just cracked open a box of Mike and Ike Candy. It's showtime! It doesn't matter whether you stream at home or head to your local theater for your favorite flicks, Mike and Ikes can be with you for every minute of thrills and chills.
Classic Candy
Mike and Ike Candy has been a popular choice for moviegoers since 1940 when they were introduced by Just Born, Inc. in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. No one can remember where the name came from, although several stories are possible contenders. Some claim they are named after the vaudeville song "Mike and Ike." Others like to say that the comic strip "Mike and Ike (They Look Alike)" was the inspiration. No matter the origin, Mike and Ikes are a delicious treat to take along on any adventure.
Fun Flavors
Since 1940, Just Born has delighted fans by introducing new flavors in addition to the Original Fruits. Some of these flavors have become permanent members of the Mike and Ike family while others are temporary specialties.
Some of the fun flavors added over the years include:
The Original Fruits blend features a mouth-watering mixture of lime, cherry, lemon, orange, and strawberry.
Gotta Get Some
Sweet Services has a huge assortment of Mike and Ike Candy flavors to satisfy every craving. Order a theater box of your favorite flavor today. Contact us at 1-800-322-6391 to find the candy you are looking for.