Valentine’s Day Candy Bouquet

It’s that time of year again, Valentine’s day which is February 14th is coming soon and are you looking for a unique gift easy to make for a group of people or that someone special in your life? Try making a Valentine’s day candy bouquet!


Here is a list of all of the items you will need for your Valentine candy bouquet:

  1. Small Vase
  2. Tissue Paper
  3. Scotch Tape
  4. Wood Skewers
  5. Ribbon
  6. Dry Styrofoam
  7. Your Favorite Valentine Candy Assortment from SweetServices 🙂

Meagan explains how to assemble the Valentine’s day candy bouquet and you will be sure to impress your classmates, friends or sweetheart with this easy to make tasty gift.

Valentine's Day Candy Bouquet

Some of our favorite candy choices are Snickers, M&M’s, Hershey’s Valentine Miniatures, Jolly Rancher Heart Shaped Lollipops and much more from a huge assortment of other bulk Valentine’s day candy online at!

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