Popular Candies from the Decades

Eating your favorite candy can take you back in time. Eating Sour Patch Kids reminds you of your days in a hair band. The taste of M&M’s reminds you of your first date. Ah, those were the days, weren’t they?

Candy tastes have changed over time, but bulk candy never goes out of style. Check out our favorites from decades past.

50s Retro Candy


The Fabulous Fifties (1950’s)

Charleston Chew was one of the most popular candy bars from the 1950’s. Get them in a 24-count pack in chocolatestrawberry, or vanilla, or enjoy them as individually wrapped bite-sized treats.

Good N’ Plenty is another 50’s favorite.“Choo Choo Charlie” advertised them in a popular commercial of the day.

Also released in the 1950’s, Hot Tamales catered to a different kind of candy lover – one who appreciated intense cinnamon flavor. The theater box packaging makes them perfect for sharing with friends.

For the full 50’s candy flavor experience, grab the Retro 50’s Candy Assortment of over 30 candies.

60s Retro CandyThe Age of Aquarius (1960’s)

The 1960’s marked a colorful candy revolution! Stretchy, bright candy necklaces could be spotted on every neck and Dum Dums mini pops filled every mouth. Today, you can get Dum Dums in almost every flavor, including special summertimepatriotic, and holiday editions.

Meanwhile, Pixy sticks are all grown up. The giant pixy stix are 14 inches of sugary goodness.

Experience even more 60’s fun with the Retro 60’s Candy Assortment of more than 30 revolutionary varieties.

70s Retro CandyThe Disco Era (1970’s)

The age of pet rocks and shag carpets was also a prime time for candy. Everyone’s favorite peanut butter treat – Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups – became an American from their first TV commercials.

At the same time, Pop Rocks were topping the charts with a symphony of fizz in your mouth.

And that’s not all, the Retro 70’s Candy Assortment includes even more classics.

80's Retro Candy

The Decade of Decadence (1980’s)

This bold decade knew what it was doing, and the candy was no exception. Americans were encouraged to “taste the rainbow” with all of the Skittles colors. Since then, sourtropical, and wild berry options have expanded the spectrum.

For those who wanted a candy with punch, Sour Patch Kids were born. These sour then sweet candies have been delighting kids and their parents ever since.

The Retro 80’s Candy Assortment includes these 80’s favorites and more.

Bulk candy

Even More Nostalgia

If you’re finding it impossible to pick your favorite decade in candy, good news! You can get a mix of favorites from years gone by with the Nostalgic Candy Assortment. It includes more than 40 candies spanning every decade. From Lemonhead to Fun DipWax Lips to Ring Pops – you’re sure to find your favorites.

What better way to show your kids or grandkids how much better life was back in your day?

Rather make your own nostalgic mix. No problem. Visit our bulk candy store and grab some of your nostalgic favorites.

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