Many of us think of our candy consumption as a naughty indulgence. But in many cases, candy can actually provide some unexpected boosts to our health. That’s especially true of chocolate candy — which is good news, considering that 50% of the average American’s annual candy intake is devoted to chocolate. Although not all of the popular candy bars you’ll find at your supermarket or your favorite online candy shop can be classified as health foods, per se, you might be surprised to learn that your chocolate habit might not be as harmful as you’d think.
Chocolate Makes For a Healthy Heart
When you order chocolate candy online, your top priority is probably to satisfy your sweet tooth. But research has revealed that chocolate — particularly the dark variety — can be good for your cardiovascular system. The cocoa bean is full of flavonoids, a type of antioxidant, and it’s believed that when we eat foods that contain these components that we benefit from the power they provide. Research has shown that due to flavanols, having a bit of dark chocolate on a regular basis can keep your heart system running at its best. It’s also been suggested that dark chocolate can help to flower blood pressure, improve blood flow between the brain and the heart, reduce cholesterol, and even improve the abilities of blood platelets by making them clot more easily. It’s also possible that dark chocolate consumption can reduce one’s risk of developing arteriosclerotic vascular disease.
In general, the darker the chocolate, the better it’s likely to be for your heart. Of course, you should always check the quality of ingredients and make sure to enjoy your dark chocolate in moderation. However, there’s nothing wrong with topping off a meal with a chocolate candy or treating yourself to a piece on a regular basis.
Chocolate Improves Mental Health
Chocolate actually has mental health benefits, as well. Because chocolate is seen as a welcome treat, eating it can trigger endorphin production — that feel-good hormone that’s also released when you exercise. That can help to instantly boost your mood when you’re feeling low. What’s more, chocolate can also contain serotonin, a natural anti-depressant, and certain stimulants (such as caffeine and theobromine) that can make you feel more productive, awake, and excited about life.
There’s also evidence to suggest that chocolate consumption might have a positive effect on cognitive decline. A Harvard Medical School study suggested that drinking two cups of hot chocolate a day could promote brain health and reduce memory loss in older adults due to the increased blood flow to the brain that participants experienced. It’s possible that eating chocolate, rather than drinking it, could produce similar effects. So whether you’re feeling a bit depressed or want to stave off the signs of aging, it might be wise to eat dessert.
Chocolate Amps Up Skin Health
As if those benefits weren’t enough, many experts also believe that chocolate can actually improve your complexion. Chocolate candy has long since been blamed for acne breakouts, but that might all be over now. One study revealed that women who consumed high-flavanol cocoa powder showed a 25% reduction in sunburn after being exposed to a solar stimulator, as compared to those women who consumed low-flavanol cocoa powder. The women in the first group also experienced better skin hydration, increased skin density and thickness, and less water loss through the skin. Ultimately, this means that chocolate can actually protect the skin from harmful UV light and improve looks overall.
With all these health benefits in mind, there’s really no good reason to avoid eating chocolate. Whether you’re celebrating an event or are simply going grocery shopping for the week, including chocolate in your diet can make you a healthier and happier version of yourself.
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