Does Sour Candy Help with Anxiety

Anxiety is not the easiest mental illness to treat. It’s widely diagnosed, affecting over 40 million people in the United States alone, but there currently isn’t an absolute cure. Instead, there are a variety of medical treatments (such as therapy and medications) that work very well for some but not so great for others. That’s why alternative ways to treat anxiety are so common, with some people finding that sour candy actually does the trick!

What is Anxiety?

First, let’s understand what anxiety is. Anxiety is a mental health condition with symptoms such as:

  • Restlessness
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Sleep Problems
  • A Sense of Panic
  • Nausea
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Irritability

People with anxiety tend to have an overwhelming sense of fear in their daily lives. Some days, it might be severe, whereas others it may be mild. While everyone has some kind of anxiety from time to time, those with an anxiety disorder experience it far more than the average person.

Sour Candy’s Effect on Anxiety

So, how does sour candy for anxiety work? It’s a simple concept. Sour candy is, as the name suggests, very sour. You cannot escape the intensity of the sourness upon eating it; it’s a full-on sensory experience, which is why a lot of people love sour candy while others dislike it. Its effect on anxiety is all down to distraction – when a person with anxiety eats sour candy, their mind becomes distracted from their anxious thoughts, instead focusing on the vivid flavor inside their mouths.

Can Sour Candy Stop a Panic Attack in its Tracks?

Sour candy is particularly used by people who experience panic attacks (which many people with anxiety disorders do). A panic attack is a sudden burst of panic, creating intense feelings of fear and anxiety, causing heart palpitations and breathing difficulties. When a person experiencing a panic attack eats sour candy, their mind is instantly shifted toward the sour flavor, giving them a break from the panic they were previously experiencing.

Is There Any Scientific Evidence to Back it Up?

Unfortunately – no, there is currently no scientific evidence to suggest sour candy helps with anxiety. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t helpful; it only means there haven’t yet been any studies into the link between the two. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence suggesting sour candy can help anxiety, so it’s always worth a shot!

Should You Carry Sour Candy if You Suffer from Anxiety?

Carrying sour candy if you’re an anxiety sufferer is not a bad idea at all. There are several benefits, including:

It is Easy to Carry

Sour candy is super easy to carry. You can have it in your purse, pocket, drawer at work – anywhere. It’s not bulky, so it will fit wherever you need it.

It’s Discreet

Many people with anxiety don’t want the world to know when they’re going through an anxiety attack. The good thing about sour candy is it’s effortlessly discreet. If you pull out a bag of candies, no one will bat an eye.

It Works Fast

As soon as you put a sour candy into your mouth, it hits hard, meaning it works fast. If you’re in need of quick relief from anxiety, it’s a good option for this reason.

There Are Many Types

Sour candies come in all sorts of flavors and sizes. Do you like strawberry candy? You are sure to find a sour strawberry candy that suits you. It’s nice to have something you genuinely enjoy, even if the sourness is the most intense flavor!

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Few Side Effects

Unlike many medications given to people with anxiety, sour candy doesn’t have any side effects. You won’t feel dizzy, nauseous, or fatigued after eating sour candy – the only real side effect you might get is some energy from the sugar consumed.

What About the Risks?

As mentioned, there are few side effects you get after eating sour candy, making it a safe option for treating anxiety in the moment. However, that doesn’t mean there are absolutely zero risks, and they are worth knowing about if you’re going to keep sour candy in your bag for when you next experience intense anxiety.

The main risk with sour candy is the amount of sugar it contains. Eating sugar is generally fine for healthy people in small amounts, but too much is undoubtedly a bad thing. Too much sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes, weight gain, and skin problems. Of course, this is much more of an issue for those with diabetes who need to keep their blood sugar levels steady.

Also, eating too much sour candy may lead to mouth ulcers, which aren’t a huge health risk but can cause pain and are very annoying. Remember – too much of anything is never a good thing! That’s why sour candy typically works best in small amounts when your anxiety gets bad, rather than a preventative that you eat every single day.

The last risk is that people who use sour candy to treat anxiety may ignore the underlying cause of their mental condition, potentially even avoiding other medications that they might need to treat it. Sour candy is helpful in a pinch, but if you have intense anxiety, you should always see a doctor and try to understand what’s causing it. Sour candy is not a prescribed medical treatment; instead, it’s a useful tool that can help with anxiety attacks.

In Summary

It is rare to see candy recommended for health reasons, but sour candy genuinely does have its benefits regarding anxiety. If a person experiences an anxiety attack, the intensity of the sour candy can zap their brain back to reality, lessening the symptoms. However, sour candy does not treat the root cause of anxiety and does not currently have any scientific evidence to back it up. So, if you suffer from anxiety, by all means, pop a sour candy when the symptoms become overwhelming, but don’t use it as the only method to treat your mental health condition – a healthcare professional will be able to assist with long-term treatments.

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