What’s the rush?

Boy it seems like we’re just rushing right into the Christmas season! For the last couple of weeks TV commercials are geared toward Christmas shopping, Christmas songs are being played on the radio, Holiday ornaments are decorating stores and malls and Black Friday has now moved to Thanksgiving Thursday. Here at Sweet Services we are … Continue Reading »

Bit of Trivia ~ The Caveman was really the First!

The Caveman was the first to sample candy by eating the honey from bee hives… what a Geico commercial that would make. History actually traces candy back 3,500 years to the Egyptians who along with the Chinese would mix honey with fruit & nuts, however since sugar was so expensive, candy was only available to … Continue Reading »

Decorate with Candy!

Well, Black Friday & Cyber Monday have come and gone! Now the holiday decorating begins. Some of us are trying to tastefully decorate without spending too much money since most of the budget was spent on Black Friday & Cyber Monday!  Everyone loves Christmas and everyone loves candy… why not combine the two.  Candy Canes … Continue Reading »