Candy Crafts For The Holidays

Looking for creative ideas for the holidays using your favorite mouth-watering sweets? Here are some popular Christmas candy combinations sure to please everyone including; educators and their students, parents and their children, Sunday school and much more. Need an idea for your upcoming church bazaar or stocking stuffers, look no further build ornaments that are easy, fun … Continue Reading »

The History of the Candy Cane: Origin and Mystery

Most would agree that Halloween is the first holiday that comes to mind when we think of candy being sensationalized. Perhaps Easter is close behind, but Christmas rarely gets associated with candy. Sure, we realize that the children in Christmas storybooks dream of “sugar plums” while gingerbread houses are under construction. Candy still lacks that … Continue Reading »

What’s the rush?

Boy it seems like we’re just rushing right into the Christmas season! For the last couple of weeks TV commercials are geared toward Christmas shopping, Christmas songs are being played on the radio, Holiday ornaments are decorating stores and malls and Black Friday has now moved to Thanksgiving Thursday. Here at Sweet Services we are … Continue Reading »