Studies suggest that it’s “junk food”, not CANDY that contributes to obesity. Well, I know I was thrilled to hear this! Those with a sweet tooth no longer have to feel guilty about admitting it. It seems people who eat about an ounce of candy (including CHOCOLATE) a day tend to have smaller waists, weigh … Continue Reading »
Bit of Trivia ~ The Caveman was really the First!
The Caveman was the first to sample candy by eating the honey from bee hives… what a Geico commercial that would make. History actually traces candy back 3,500 years to the Egyptians who along with the Chinese would mix honey with fruit & nuts, however since sugar was so expensive, candy was only available to … Continue Reading »
Corporate Gifts!
It’s important to show your appreciation to your clients & employees. The holidays are the ideal time! Corporate holiday gifts are the perfect way to let your clients know how important their relationship is to your success. A simple gift not only shows appreciation but boosts employee morale as well. Sweet Services offers several Corporate … Continue Reading »