Let’s Talk Turkey…

Thanksgiving is by far one of the best Holidays for families to reunite. It was always a favorite with our family. Since the family has grown so large with kids, grandkids, great-grandkids & in-laws and many moved out-of-state, it became harder for all of us to get together. Finally, three years ago we all decided to celebrate our … Continue Reading »

Candy & the “Good ‘Ole Days!”

Generations ago, one of the delightful things about “childhood” was how much time we spent getting buzzed on candy. We walked to candy stores, or rode our bikes and returned to sit on the lawn or porch steps to enjoy our sugary treats. Sometimes it would be ritualized. There were certain methods to opening your … Continue Reading »


What do all of these have in common ~ “1940” ~ “Victor Bonomo” ~ “Coney Island” ~ “Corn Syrup and Egg Whites”? You guessed it ~ BONOMO TURKISH TAFFY! After 30 years IT’S BACK …as popular as ever! All of you who remember eating this heavenly taffy also remember eating this candy was a ritual. First … Continue Reading »

Thinking Party… Think Pinata!!

Piñatas aren’t just for kids Birthday Parties ~ they’re a real hit (literally) for Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Staff Functions, Business Openings, Weddings, 21st, 40th & even 50th B-Days … the list is endless. So many people are being budget conscious these days, you may have thought about making your own “customized” piñata. The ideas are … Continue Reading »

2010 Candy Expo!

The largest in the nation, the May 2010 SWEETS & SNACKS EXPO, turned Chicago into a “Candyland”! As we perused the aisles, it was apparent that candy consumers are no longer just the Baby Boomers. It seems the “Tweens” (pre-teen) are not only beginning to shape the candy industry’s future, they are affecting the present. … Continue Reading »


Nostalgic, Retro & Gourmet candies are back by popular demand! You recall the great candy you ate as a kid ~ Mary Janes, Slo Poke, Gobstoppers, Bit-o-Honey, Bottle Caps, Pixy Sticks, Atomic Fireballs, Candy Lipsticks! Maybe your favorites were Neccos, Red Hots, Laffy Taffy, or those Old Fashioned Candy Sticks dipped in chocolate … just to … Continue Reading »