Build a Beautiful Fall-themed candy buffet. Give your guests a wedding favor to remember with a beautiful fall-themed candy buffet that doesn’t break the budget.
It’s Parade Season!
Memorial Day ~ 4th of July… means parades everywhere! The Marching Bands, the Floats, the Balloons, the Costumes – Everyone enjoys parades… it’s a fun way to celebrate! On lookers appreciate the candy that those parade participants seem to have readily available for the crowd. Don’t forget to place your order soon! or your Parade … Continue Reading »
How ’bout Those Hats!!
The Royal Wedding, The Kentucky Derby -very important events, but how ‘bout those HATS!!! Big hats, small hats, hats with horse heads and the list goes on. Seems like hats may be making a comeback and they certainly do make a statement! I think it would be great if they did become a popular accessory, … Continue Reading »
Decorate with Candy!
Well, Black Friday & Cyber Monday have come and gone! Now the holiday decorating begins. Some of us are trying to tastefully decorate without spending too much money since most of the budget was spent on Black Friday & Cyber Monday! Everyone loves Christmas and everyone loves candy… why not combine the two. Candy Canes … Continue Reading »