Candy Isn’t Junk Food!

Studies suggest that it’s “junk food”, not CANDY that contributes to obesity. Well, I know I was thrilled to hear this! Those with a sweet tooth no longer have to feel guilty about admitting it. It seems people who eat about an ounce of candy (including CHOCOLATE) a day tend to have smaller waists, weigh … Continue Reading »

Nostalgic/Retro Candy… Still on the Rise!

It’s amazing how the demand for the “old fashioned” favorites continues to rise. When all the hype began, we brought in many of the popular retro candies like Bonomo Taffy, Slo Pokes, Necco Wafers, Candy Jewelry which include Necklaces, Rings & Bracelets and of course the Necco Candy Buttons… you know those tiny candies you peeled off the paper strips!… … Continue Reading »

2010 Candy Expo!

The largest in the nation, the May 2010 SWEETS & SNACKS EXPO, turned Chicago into a “Candyland”! As we perused the aisles, it was apparent that candy consumers are no longer just the Baby Boomers. It seems the “Tweens” (pre-teen) are not only beginning to shape the candy industry’s future, they are affecting the present. … Continue Reading »